Monday, January 15, 2007

Welcome to my blog.

Welcome to my blog - KaKoong - the rumblings of a lonely soul! Why KaKoong? That's what my grandchildren call me. Started by Samantha, who started her baby talk, and all of a sudden evolved the word 'kakhng'. Did not make sense at that time until she directed it at me and slowly it became KaKoong, which is similar to the Chinese name for the grandfather - 'KoongKoong'. Means a lot to the Cantonese, which automatically places me as the father of the child's mother. After Timothy was born, he cannily and without prompting, used the same name. With the new arrival Emma, who is only 17 months old and learning to talk now, she has explicitly addressed me 'KaKoong"! Even the darn African Grey calls me that!

Resigned to being a lonely retired grandfather, welcome to my grandfather's stories. I have surpassed the ten years of my retirement. Contented? Not so! Same old worries of things to come. Will my savings outlive me or will I outlive my savings??? Money shrinks in proportion to the value of goods and services. My health degenerates and my medical expenses shoot up.

But I am a Catholic and will leave my life in the hands of our Lord. I am always thankful for what I am - a simple man and a church worker. My joy in life is to be with my children and grandchildren, seeing them go through what I have gone through. My wife, although we do not always see eye-to-eye, has probably the same aspirations. That will need another blog for my wife to tell her side of the stories, but then she is computer illiterate. She cannot shoot me down with the computer but will outshoot me vocally! Ear plugs will come in handy.

My children (if you can call them children), are full grown adults or buffaloes. Son being a lawyer(a food, tennis and golf fanatic), No. 1 daughter, some sort of manager (still not sure what she does except eating), No.2 daughter being some financial wizard in the IT industry. Son-in-law No. 1 is a coach Captain ( a Flight Simulator fanatic) and Son-in-law No. 2 an entrepreneur in the screwing industry (another golf and automobile fanatic). All in all a crazy bunch but fun to be with. To be with them is to feel young again.

So that is me in a nutshell - very much a nut. Watch out for my next episode for some more gandfather's stories. Till then........


kyleonn said...

Good start for the new year. Hope to read more of your lifestory!

Unknown said...

Ello Kakhoong,

It's the lawyer son, checking in on the blog site to ensure that my father does not implicitly say something which I then have to bail him out of... (Sorry like that one law...)

Thoroughly enjoyable, leaving me chuckling in the privacy of my office, resulting in my very worried Wati (Legal Sec) asking me... "Is everything okay boss?"

I answered, oh no nothing ... "My dad's just started a blog..."

She let out a sigh of relief...

kyleonn said...

Hahaha, my original comment was quite 'lewd' but now that Kakoong goes to church, I need to tone down a little. Glad to read Monty's comments...understandable he is worried that kakoong will say the wrong thing...kakoong, you seems to have a lot of skeleton in your closet!!!