Friday, January 19, 2007

Oh my hernia!

Thank you for the comments from my son and Lily, my long suffering ex-colleague. Nice to know that someone actually reads my blog.

Today saw me consulting both my ENT surgeon and another old surgeon friend who operated on me years ago. It has been more than a month now since my last vertigo attack. A vertigo attack is something that is so devastating that you wish you will not live to suffer another one. Having suffered three within a space of one and a half month last year, I decided to consult an ENT surgeon. He did the drop test on me to simulate an attack. Fortunately it did not materialise. I was finally diagnosed as having Menieres Disease, a debilitating illness affecting the middle ear, due to poor blood circulations. I now carry with me pills to help counter vertigo attacks. Since I saw the ENT surgeon, I have not suffered another vertigo attack. And so today, I was discharged by the surgeon, who gave me two months supply of medications, and warned me that I could have another attack. I now carry two types of pills, one for a period of two months for blood circulations and another to counter a vertigo attack. I sometimes pre-empt a vertigo attack if I am attending a function, by taking a pill. The pill prevents nausea and a vertigo attack which can happen without any warning. A vertigo attack in public is very alarming and embarrassing.

The second surgeon I consulted was an old friend who operated on me three times in the past. First time 14 years ago when I had a bi-lateral (double hernia). Second time to remove my gall bladder and third time to remove a mole on my face. He had a tough time with my first surgery, spending three hours patching my double hernia, due to my weak tissue. Now he will tackle my right hernia, which has recurred the third time. First time I had it was when I was a student pilot in the UK, while doing physical training. It was terrible! Every now and then, I had to go to a quiet place to push back my intestine, which had dropped out through a small opening.

And so come Monday morning, I will check into the hospital for the surgery which has been scheduled for 2 pm. I will need to spend a night in the hospital and be discharged on Tuesday. Please pray for me that the surgery will go through successfully without a hitch.

Till then....

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