Monday, January 14, 2008

Welcome 2008

Welcome 2008! It has certainly been a very good start to the new year. Half the month of January has already gone as I write this first post for the year. So many things have happened, I have been busy and my mind is still boggling at the turn of events.

New Year's Eve was a big family gathering at Jason and Karen's place. Good food and happy family members with noisy kids and hungry dogs. It was very convivial. It was also a kind of farewell to the place, as Jason and Karen will be moving out in a couple of months time.

As mentioned in my last post, I had acquired my new property. It was surprisingly fast and just two days ago, I had exercised the option to buy from the seller. The irony of it all, was that, the seller had tried to badger the agent into increasing the price, because he was harassed by his family that he had sold too low. The agent of course, told him that it was impossible as the agreed price was legally binding. He eventually apologised for his error. They are actually a very nice elderly couple. When we were there last Saturday, we all sat around with the agents, and chatted away like old friends. I invited them to visit us after they move out. Buying this property has removed one burden off my shoulders, since my hunt for a replacement home.

Last Monday, 7 January, I attended the 7 am Mass as usual. After Mass, an old friend pulled me to a corner and offered me her son's apartment in a condo. The condo is in the Bukit Timah area not far from my present place. It was certainly food for thought, and by Friday, we were taken to view the place. It is a pleasant two bedroom apartment, currently tenanted by a gay couple. Ha! Ha! Anyway, the place is pleasant with condo facilities, and appeals to the expatriates, which should command good rental. The current tenancy will end by August, and after some cleaning and minor renovations, it will be ready for a new tenancy.

I am familiar with the condo, because my daughter had at some time ago, rented a studio apartment there. We went there for swimming with the kids and it was nice.

This morning (14 Jan), I had a meeting with my friend at 6.30 am in church. After some enthusiatic deliberation with the family, I decided to buy the apartment, as an investment.

Wow! Buying two properties within one month! That is why my mind still boggles. Never in my wildest dream, would I do that. But I just did that.

On the 5th January, I turned in to the lawyers, my Title Deeds and signed over my property in preparations for the completion of the collective sale, scheduled for 10th March. So officially, I am now a 'squatter', since I now do not own my present property. Payment is expected to be 12th March, barring any problems, and I am allowed to stay rent free until 10th September. So I am going to be busy with the lawyers, the renovation works, and the much dreaded house move.

Since I started to write this post, it is now 15 January, and I have, this morning given a cheque as option to buy the private condo. It is now up to the lawyers to do up the paperwork and the seller to put their house in order.

Since last year, I was approached to produce a DVD slideshow in memory of the estate, to be sold to all the owners. I have worked on it and have compiled 215 pictures with background music. I showed the master copy to the people and had very good response. Last Thursday, I sent my master copy for duplicating to 200 pieces. On Friday, I received a call that the copies are ready for collection. What speed! Anyway I collected them on Monday and had them delivered by evening. Some people have told me that seeing the beautiful pictures, made them sad to leave. As the saying goes, "parting is such sweet sorrow".

Chinese New Year is just around the corner. That is another story.

Till then....


Anonymous said...

It's so nice to hear that 2008 started so well for you. I can foresee a free lunch coming my way! Lily

KaKoong said...

No problems with free lunches. Watch out for my next posting on a setback.