Monday, December 29, 2008

Goodbye 2008!

As 2008 is coming to a close, I am reflecting on what has happened since. The highlight of the year was my relocation of my home in August. Prior to that, there were anxieties over the en bloc process, and whether there were anymore hiccups. Fortunately, everything fell in place and the completion was as planned, right up to the day of payment.

I can still remember 12th March vividly, a rainy day, when the sale was finally completed and payment made to all the owners. The sale was a miracle under present financial situation.

All that is behind me now as I poise myself for the new year. I do not believe in making new year resolutions as I believe in meeting events head on.

It has been a very nice Christmas with the family in the new home. There was good food and much merriment within the family and some friends who visited us. I helped roast the turkey, which turned out better than expected. The ham from Mandarin Meridian was super and the salmon/halibut was nice and rich. My son cooked ribs which went well with everyone. I am now becoming more confident with the new oven.

Little Emma was the darling in every one's mind. Within a few days of listening to the carol 'Hark the Herald Angels Sing', she is able to sing the whole tune now. Earlier, she could only sing a few words and improvised the rest of the lyrics. It was very funny. To her, she is wishing that Christmas will never end. She is going to Kindergarten next year.

To the other two kids, well, they certainly enjoyed themselves and spent several days with us when their mum went to Spain.

Last night (28/12), we had a neighbourhood pot luck dinner for all the residents on the same floor. It was very successful and there was so much food. Everyone got on well and there was much goodwill among the residents.

And so to all those who bothered to read my blog, may the new year bring you much happiness and good health and God bless you all.

Till then....

Monday, December 8, 2008

My High-Tech Kitchen

I am coming to grips with my high-tech kitchen. Since the demonstration by the manufacturer, I am getting some experience in cooking both with the oven and the steam oven. Fact that my wife still cannot use them since she is computer illiterate, I am forced to help out.

For one dinner, I had to steam rice and fish head. The rice came off well, but the fish head was not as soft. A little more cooking time should resolve that, I think.

One day I bought two pieces of veal steak, intending to cook them for dinner. For lunch, we were supposed to eat at the Food Park. Unfortunately heavy rain fell and we could not go out. So I had to cook the veal for lunch instead. I did a quick marinate of the veal with olive oil, chopped garlic, black pepper and some sea salt. The veal was delicious and tender, served with butter head salad tossed in olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Using the induction cooker, I heated up the vegetable soup. It was a nice lunch which gave me confidence to cook with the new equipment.
Last Saturday, my daughters decided to come to put up the Christmas tree and to have dinner with the kids and one husband in tow. My son eventually turned up as well. Roasting two chicken and steaming rice and one fish, I tried making Char Siew.

At 3 pm, I started marinating the pork with Char Siew sauce. By evening, I positioned the meat inside the oven and started the cooking program. After about one hour fifteen, the meat was ready, but I re-positioned the Char Siew under the high grill to burn it more.

The Char Siew was a success and while chopping it, everyone came to sniff and pinched so many pieces, that I had to use a small plate to serve what was left. Needless to say, there was no left over.

The chicken was delicious but not as good as the one roasted on the rotisserie, when the chicken was not so mushy and the skin more crispy. One lesson learnt.

The fish was undercooked because my wife tried to steam it for ten minutes instead of fifteen to tweny minutes. So was the rice too.

All in all, a very nice dinner and everyone enjoyed the evening.
Till then....

Friday, November 28, 2008

This 'High-Tech' World

For the last three days, I was frustrated by my computer in trying to edit a video I shot with my new Sony Handycam.

In the process of packing and moving house, I had bought a new Sony Handycam, which is the latest model capable of shooting HDML into a 120G hard disk. I had shot a series of video clips of my old estate, and since I was so busy, I had no time in editing the video.

As I am now settled in, I decided to edit the video, cleaned out the disk in preparations for the Christmas season. Tried as I did, I just could not import the video into the computer with my handycam. I remembered I had copied the entire video into a DVD. So I tried that. Eventually I managed to import from the disc into the editing software.

Having got the video in, I then had problems burning the DVD, for some obscure reasons generated by the computer. After half a day of fiddling, I finally burned the DVD. When I played the DVD on my home system, I discovered that the video repeated itself towards the end.

On the third day, I painstakingly tried again. I edited out a lot of bad video, added the sound tracks and reviewed a rather nice video with nice background music. When I tried to burn to DVD, problems started to surface again. The %#@&#! computer told me that it has determined that the contends were too big and required a bigger disc! How much bigger can a DVD get????

So I deleted every damn thing and started from scratch again. By 10 pm last night, I managed to get everything together and burned the DVD. Eureka! The DVD was successful. By the time I finished and shut down, it was past midnight.

I had spent $14k buying the latest kitchen equipment for my new kitchen. So last Monday the guy from DeDietrich came to demonstrate and teach us how to use the oven, the steam oven and the induction hob.

They are all so high tech and fully computerised. They practically cook for you and you only have to put the food inside. It was very impressive and the choices were many. The 'chef' inside the computer will work out for you, the temperature and cooking time. You only have to key in the type of meat, ingredients and type of cooking. The program will do all the cooking and you only have to project what time you want the food to be ready. For instance, you decide what you want for dinner, get all the ingredients together, and utilising both the oven and steamer oven, you program the dinner time. When the food is cooked, the oven will keep the food warm and when you come home, the food is ready in the oven.

So last Monday, we tried it out. The steam oven cooked the rice, steamed minced pork, chawan musi and broccoli. Into the oven went one chicken on the rotisserie, a chunk of pork belly (my own choice) and potatoes. After about two hours, the food was ready except for my pork belly, which I had to put under the grill to make the skin crispy.

The chicken was very delicious and looked like Obama colour. My pork belly was good with crispy skin, but I feel I can improve in time. Unfortunately, I had mild diarrhoea the next morning.

All in all, it was a very good and enjoyable cooking session with everyone laughing away and having a good time eating. I must improve on my pork belly roast. I would also like to try my hand in cooking veal, and making noodle soup on the induction hob.

Recently I bought myself an MP3 Walkman with FM radio. Could not figure out how the darn thing worked until my daughter came to my rescue and set it up for me. I am planning on buying a Sony PS3 to play Blu Ray disc and some games. Wonder what awaits me!

Since we are all in this high-tech world, there is no way getting out of computers and gizmos. For us old folks, this can be very humiliating and frustrating. Even some of the old technologies have trouble catching up with the new. That is why systems clash and crash. Although I consider myself quite savvy with my computers and cameras, I find myself dumbfounded by my hand phone and MP3 player.

Till then....

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Home Sweet Home

My new home has been blessed by Fr. T.O.N. With some family friends, church friends and the neighbourhood, I had more than 70 people who turned up for dinner.

To feed such a multitude of people, I brought in the prata man, who set up his hot stove and started to make roti prata to order. There was prata with eggs, onion, cheese, banana, mushroom or plain. To back up, there was nasi briyani, chicken masala, mutton rendang, fish curry, ladies finger masala, samosa, papadam, teh-tarik, lime juice and honeydew sago.

On top of all that, my daughter made several trays of tuna sandwiches, the maid made fruit platter, there was a 3.5 kg birthday cake of a castle, which I ordered for my grand daughter whose birthday was just three days away. I specially ordered a cheese dip in the form of a brain in order to freak out my daughters. I told everyone that it was the brain of some animal which brought a lot of squeals. My son cooked a mixed grill for the priest because the priest could not take hot curry.

I wanted to invite more of my friends but when I hit 80 on the count, I immediately freezed up because it would be impossible to have so many guests in my small place. As it was, I had problems coping with so many guests and I was so busy that I hardly spent more than five minutes with each one. Fortunately next to my place, there is this void deck one floor below which I utilised to accommodate the dinner and food. So all the eating action was confined in that area. There were insufficient chairs and a neighbour brought out her stools.

Fortunately, the evening went quite smoothly and everyone had a good time. My neighbours, some of whom I met for the first time, were great and there was much camaraderie and merriment. Despite the numbers, there was much food leftover. Some of the guests packaged some food home. I was still eating some leftover food four days after the event.

I was very relieved, when some of the guests told me that it was a successful evening, and complimented me on the event. Many asked for the caterer. During the entire evening, I was actually nursing a flu. I felt sorry for neglecting some of my guests but I had my hands full and by late evening I was very tired. Anyway I managed to get up at five the next morning to go to church.

All's well that ends well. I am grateful to my family who helped and backed me up. To those who came, a big thank you. To my friends who read this and to whom I was not able to invite, my humble apologies. Get in touch with me and I will make it up with you. In my next post, I will put up pictures of my new home.

Till then....

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Of all that is seen and unseen....

It has been two months now since I moved house. Almost settled in, there are still some things here and there that need to be done.

There has been no daily routine, except that I have been getting up at five in the morning. At six, I start to walk to the bus stop, which takes me ten minutes. Three bus stops away, I can take the direct bus to church avoiding having to change buses. I find myself in church by six thirty, which is earlier than when I was staying nearby the church. Occasionally, someone will give me a ride in their car.

Lately, I feel my life passing me by. Some old magician friends took me and the wife out for dinner one Sunday. Meeting some other old friends, we had a good time reminiscing over the past and singing some of the oldies.

Last Saturday, I attended a wedding in church. The groom was a nephew of a dear departed colleague in the air force. His father has been keeping in touch with me, knowing how close I had been with his brother, Lawrence.

Lawrence was with me in No. 1 Squadron, and we spent many flying hours together and enjoying each other's company for many years. When Lawrence got married, I was in his guard of honour, and helped him set up the reception at the Officers Mess.

After our service days, Lawrence migrated to Australia. I had lost contact with him until one day, I had a surprise call from Lawrence here in Singapore. We met up for lunch and thereafter we had lunch whenever he came to Singapore. I found out that his wife had passed away due to illness. I noticed that Lawrence was losing weight and did not look good. He brushed it away by saying that his liver was not functioning well.

I did not hear from Lawrence again until one morning, I was serving the altar at the morning Mass in church, when the priest read out the Mass Intentions. Lawrence had passed away in Australia. His brother had requested the Mass for Lawrence. I was shocked and felt a deep sense of loss for an old friend. Last Saturday, I met Lawrence only son. He has his own family now. When I saw him, I thought of his parents, who were such good and close friends of mine and how we were so young and happy many years ago.

I just had a call from my old magician friend, inviting me to the SAM guest night tonight. I shall attend to see how the new young members are doing. Most of the older members have gone and being a founder/charter member myself, it will be interesting to see SAM is doing these days.

Ah to be young again!

Till then....

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Life goes on....

For the past few weeks, I was bothered by 'bees in my bonnet'. Those bees were those adapters, (transformers), I have for my musical movements and boxes. Numbering about a dozen, I had packed them carefully inside a box. I started to search for them, for I needed them to run my musical boxes. Frantic, I even opened some of the big boxes under the staircase. Frustrated, I walked around and stood in front of the storeroom. Looking up, I saw all the adapters neatly arranged on the shelf! What a jackass, I had forgotten that I had much earlier unpacked them and laid them neatly on the shelf.

I have been plagued by my poor memory lately. Only this morning, I remember going to Cold Storage but had forgotten what I wanted to buy there. After browsing for a while, did I jog my memory that I wanted to buy garlic bread.

Looking for something or other, I rummage through, and after finding it, I took it out. After I have tidied up the place, I had forgotten where I put the darn thing again.

On several occasions, I started out to a certain location only to forget why I went there in the first place.

Lately I have a lot on my mind trying to settle in the new place, and trying to deal with some personal problems. I am very weary and tired and hope things will eventually work out.

Anyway the new place is coming along nicely. I managed to tidy up and put up some of my things. Last week, the home theatre system was set up and is now running. Cost me a bomb for it. Bought some DVD movies and saw King Arthur. I actually sat through it without falling asleep.

The new sofa and living room furniture are very comfortable. So comfortable that when I tried to watch a television show, I fell asleep. During the evening, it is nice to sit down to listen to music, or read. Reason for the comfort, it is reclining.

I am looking forward to set up my grotto in the living room. The area is ready, except that the painters will be coming to give the place a final coating of paint. So I wait a while longer for them. Unfortunately, I still have things unpacked but have problems finding a place to put them. This is a problem because some of the things will be required on a day to day basis. In time to come, I will forget which box I left them in.

Till then....

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I have done it!

Selamat Hari Raya Adil Fitri. It has been a quiet holiday for me being left alone at home. So after reading the newspapers, I set out to tidy the living room, which has been inundated with boxes and heaps of stuff all over the place.

The problem is, I have too many things and insufficient places to put them. Despite of giving away so many things and throwing away and selling some, I still end up with so many boxes and things too good to throw away. Looking at some of the boxes, I felt so helpless and frustrated that I quickly closed them and pushed them aside. As a result, I have lost track of somethings that I need.

What I have done today has been to tidy up the boxes, and arranged everything neatly under the staircase. To be more precise, hid them under the staircase. They still look untidy. So I sat in front of them, and started to think. I have decided to get the decorator to construct two white panels matching the wall, to act as a screen to hide all the stuff under the staircase. When I need to access the boxes, I merely pull out the panel screen. Next thing I have to do is to set up my grotto by the side of the staircase.

I had originally planned on tidying the place by 1 October, so that the movers will come on 2 October to collect all the empty boxes and refund me the money. This has now worked out and tomorrow, I hope the movers will show up. It is such a relief to see the place finally taking shape.

Tomorrow, someone is also coming to set up my home theatre. So another busy day. I have been having people coming and going, trying to finish up the renovations, that I had problems going out and having my haircut. Yesterday I managed to do that. At the same time, I have been on the lookout for UPS to deliver a parcel to me, which incidentally arrived a while ago. I have a problem communicating with the workmen because they all speak Mandarin, some being from China.

It has been one month now since I moved house. I am more settled now and getting to church earlier than when I was staying close to the church. Since I stepped down from my church duties, someone has been harassing me to resume my duties. This person is someone whom I dislike and used the excuse to step down, I will continue to turn up early and ignore him to frustrate him. He is really thick!

Till then....

Saturday, September 20, 2008

I am stuck!

I managed to pack away some of my books into the library, but for the moment, I am stuck. I have things that I am not sure where to put them.

My tv console arrived and I have set up an ad hoc television connection so that I can continue to watch tv and if necessary, do a DVD recording. But my memory has failed me with my components connection to the amplifier. So I had to call someone by the name of ET, to come and do up the connections for me, and set up my home theatre. He can only come on Wednesday. Moreover I have a lot of CD to store, and I now realise that I need those two CD towers I saw last week at the Woody Teak Collection. So the need to order them. Until they are here, the CD's will remain in their boxes.

Coming Monday, the workmen will come to do the finishing touches to the walls and other areas. Soon as they get that done, I can then put things into the display cabinet and move things that will not get in their way. I can also get rid of the cardboard covering the floor.

Tuesday, my sofa will be delivered. With the leather sofa and chairs in place, my living room will shape up and I will have to move the furniture.

Anyway, I have set a dateline by 2nd October, to have the movers collect back the empty boxes and refund whatever the balance to me. The stack of empty boxes is quite an eye sore. Hopefully I can finish my unpacking by then, with perhaps a few boxes to be kept in the store.

Consulted my doctor this morning and surprised that I have lost a couple of kilos in weight. My doctor told me that it is due to the stress lately. Happy that the few curry puffs and chicken pies that I ate did not add to my weight including those winged cakes that my daughter craved for. Everyday I walk past that bakery and all the goodies glared back at me. Yesterday I walked past with Emma, who had picked up the habit of stopping by to buy something for breakfast. A habit she recently picked up from her mummy and fat aunty.

This Thursday, I am attending a seminar for the new Adobe CS4 Photoshop online. Instead of going there as was done in the past, this is now conducted online. At 10:45 I login and at 12:00, it will be over. It will be interesting. Hope I can get a discount to buy the new software.

My readers will be surprised to see so many postings this month. Since I am stuck with my unpacking, I decided to bang out my frustrations in my blog.

Till then....

Monday, September 15, 2008

First home cooked dinner.

Yes, we have finally cooked our first family dinner in our new place last Sunday, which also happened to be the mid autumn festival day. Nothing elaborate, just chicken stew, spam, long beans, watercress soup and moon cakes. My daughter had made the soup. It was very much ad hoc, as my daughters had cornered the mother to cook dinner.
The day before, being Saturday, we had gone shopping for the rice cooker, blender, oven toaster and even a telephone. Prior to that, we had gone to the antigue furniture store to buy a television console and chest of drawers for the bedroom. The last item was to get the curtains sewn up. An expensive day.
As can be seen in the above pictures, a view of the dining table and the wet kitchen.
It was a joyous dinner with the exception of my son and son-in-law, who were not with us. The kids were happy running around the place. My grand daughter Sam thinks that my new place is like a resort hotel.
The tv console and chests of drawers are made of elm wood in China. While the tv console is ready made and will be delivered on Thursday, the chests of drawers had to be custom made in China.
Though the new place is slowly taking shape, the unpacking is going painfully slow. I have to figure out what goes where, and I do not have that much choice. I am trying not to clutter up the place. It is not as easy as I thought it to be. My aim is to get rid of all the packing cases eventually. (A big sigh)!
Till then....

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Maisonette.

I am in an unpacking dilemma. There is a big pile of boxes sitting under the stair case. As I look at them, I have this desire to tear them open and stash the contents into respective places. Unfortunately this is easier said than done.

Firstly, not all the rosewood cupboards are back from refurbishing. There is one display case sitting and ready. I want to display my magic collections as well as my music boxes and some religious artifacts. But the painters are expected to do a final coating on the wall and carry out touching up. So I will have to wait.

Secondly, I have been racking my brains trying to house the various things that come out of the boxes. This has become a problem due to a lack of space and in trying to keep the aesthetic appearance of the entire maisonette.

I have been working on my 'office cum library'. The workstation is now functioning and only three of the shelves are functioning out of twelve. I am still trying to resolve the situation soon.

The interior designer has not officially handed over the maisonette to me yet, signifying the completion of the renovations, as there are still some rectification work and touching up to do. I have no desire to rush him as I want him to complete the work properly.

Anyway, the maisonette is taking shape, and Alfred, the previous owner, visited me two days ago, and was surprised at what we have done to the place. When he saw my bathroom, he said that the bathroom has grown bigger! He was very impressed indeed.

I now have my own bed, although it would be nice to have my own room. But half a curry puff is better than none at all. It is a super single with a mattress that contours my body. Very comfortable. On the second night here, I fell out of bed! There was no side table, so I had to place my clock on the floor. When the alarm went off at five in the morning, I reached down to turn it off. The bed is quite high. Suddenly I found myself rolling to the floor, divan and all. Certainly woke me up.

Last Sunday, I was on duty at the Novena Church. At night, a friend had sent me home by car. When I reached my floor, I could not find my maisonette. I looked around but my home was gone. Shades of 'twilight zone' entered my head when I realised that I had gone up the wrong block.

My old place is now gone. It is a ghost place, empty and desolate. When I saw it in the wee hours of this morning, only the lift landings were lighted up and every apartment was darkened with no life at all. I managed to sneak in yesterday morning, being the last day. My old place was ransacked and things thrown all over the place with my wash basin smashed. It looked so pathetic. I picked up two small items, looked into every rooms, and with a heavy heart, turned and said a silent farewell to the place that was home to me for thirty years.

That was a timely closure for me and now I will concentrate on my new home.

My new kitchen is not operational yet. So everyday we eat out at the Food Park. There are several restaurant serving Thai, Japanese, western and Chinese seafood. My wife is not a foodie and her eating is very unimaginative contrary to my eating habits. Very often she kills my appetite and eating with her has become very mundane. (Big sigh!)

I am adjusting to my new environment which I find very conducive. My renovations and buying new furniture and kitchen equipment is cosing me a bomb. My son, to whom I have given a free rein in the project, is enjoying himself spending my money. No doubt I had no money for renovations when I bought my old place, it is with a vengeance that my current bills are mounting. I just paid $3090.00 for all the rosewood repairs and refurbishing. Admittedly Charlie did a very good job, and the rosewood furniture now look like new. Pay the workman his due.

Although I am not quite ready for visitors yet, I hope to be ready before Christmas.

Till then....

Monday, September 8, 2008

All stressed out.

I have finally moved house and am all stressed out. First the harrowing experience of packing alone, thirty years of accumulation of stuff. That took me more than a month and suffering a bad fall ( read last post), I became rather desperate when confronted with more stuff than I can imagine. I gave away a lot of stuff, sold some and threw away so much.

On the day of move, the movers came early. Seven Bangla Dashi guys came and swiftly moved all the stuff down. They moved so fast and efficiently that I was bewildered, when they told me that the first lorry was ready to roll by eleven. I had to rush my wife, daughter and maid to the new place to receive the load. Following the second load with my son, the move completed by noon.

When I got to the new place, boxes were stacked up. Breathing a sigh of relief, I was so glad that I gave each mover a ten dollar tip. I thought they did a very good job because I was very concerned about the confusion and the lift breaking down since several families were also moving on the same day.

I had to organise another move the following week, in order to mop up the things left behind. I was warned of 140 families moving on the following Monday, so I arranged the second move on Tuesday. The 'Hungry Ghost' month had just ended and the superstitious Chinese families scrambled to move.

The second move went very well again much to my relief. Despite the two moves, when I went back to see, there were still many things left behind. I was torn between keeping some of the things or throwing them away. It was heart wrenching and in desperation, I closed my eyes and threw so many things away. I nearly forgot to retrieve a picture of myself when I was one year old. The one and only available. So after Mass one morning, I went back to retrieve it. For several mornings, I went back to retrieve what little items I had left behind. Lugging a bag full of stuff and taking two buses took its toll on my back. I was drained and exhausted after several trips.

I have also handed over my keys to the developer, who sent a representative to check my old place. I had to seal the smelly toilets and all the water discharge outlets. Fortunately the inspection took about five minutes, and the lady who conducted it was very nice and helpful. I now await my final payment for the sale.

In the confusion following the move, I had problems with my PC, when I tried to get it going. My LCD monitor failed and my CPU casing was too big for my tiny 'office space'. I had to buy a new monitor and repack the CPU into a smaller casing. I eventually bought a 19 inch LCD and an expensive aluminum casing, which, like my previous casing, had very cooling properties.

To add to my PC problems, I could not connect to the Internet. When the Singnet technician came, he discovered that they had connected my phone line but forgot to connect my Internet line.

In my next posting, I shall write about my new maisonette.

Till then....

Friday, August 15, 2008

A bad fall.

For the past few weeks, I have been so enamoured with my packing and cleaning out that I find it so depressing. Working alone, it took me two weeks to clear my store room, full of stuff accumulated over the last thirty years. Taking a break after I cooked and ate my dinner, I have decided to do a short posting on my blog.

Nursing a painful shoulder, neck and back of my head, I had a bad fall last Tuesday. Climbed on top of the ladder over the cupboard, I picked up a fairly big box. Balanced on my right hand, it started to sway to the left and was about to topple over, when I tried to catch it with my left hand. I suddenly realised that both my hands were off the ladder, and I was about to fall. I tried to descent very quickly but missed my step. I fell backwards and landed heavily on the floor bashing my head on the wall. I was in pain and for several minutes, could not move. Then slowly I began to move my fingers, then my toes and with some effort, my arms. The pain became numb as I moved to sit up. Eventually I managed to get up. Fortunately there was no bleeding or injuries except for the pain. For the past few days, the pain has bothered me. When I brushed my hair, the bristles were very painful on my scalp. Although I still feel the pain now after three days, it is not so intense. What a horrible experience!

I read in the newspaper classified of this guy who wanted to buy old records. I called him and he promptly came to my place riding a bicycle. The 60 year old guy was like a little boy in a candy shop, when he poured through my old records. He finally took the whole lot including a lot of my LD's. He wandered round my place looking for things to buy. He finally paid me $210 for the whole lot including my old run down small tv monitor. Strapping the loot on his bicycle, he paddled off and made a second trip later in the hot afternoon. I am glad that he took the lot because I was in a delima as to what to do with my old records, since my turn table has not worked for a long time.

As I also wanted to sell my Rosewood bar and writing desk, I called someone who had advertised looking for such items. I had earlier posted the advertisement on the internet, but did not receive any single call. The guy came with his wife. He was not sure if he could find a buyer for my bar but decided to buy my writing desk. Walking around my place like a hungry animal, he was interested in many of my things. He eventually also picked up all my first day covers, a steel rack in the kitchen and a lot of my 'trash' for $300. Both he and his wife are rather plumb, and I find them rather amusing. They will be returning to collect the writing desk, which he said he was buying for his son.

This morning, my neighbour came and bought my Rosewood bar. We have been neighbours for thirty years and I must commend them as being excellent neighbours. We have never had any differences and have complemented each other. Iwill miss them.

I have never realised how much magic stuff I have at home. This is the result of over forty years of buying magic items all over the world. Last year, I had sold 7 boxes of my magic apparatus to the US for US$12k. Since I have retired from my magic hobby, I called four of my magic friends to come and help themselves to my stuff and books for free. They had to do it in two sessions and went home laden with all the goodies. I am glad there were four very happy people today, who went home with bags and boxes filling up the their cars.

Also today, I sold my old Sony video camera to a friend for $300. I had wanted to give it to them for free, but they insisted they wanted to pay for it. So I offered them a token of $100. They came back with an offer for $300. So to cut a long story short, I accepted the offer.

My renovations are coming along despite the slight slippage. So they are working through the weekend to meet my move-in date.

As I look at the mess around the house, I also see some empty shelves and stacked up boxes. There will now be intense packing for the next week. As I look at the calender, I am awed at the time approaching for me to get out of this place which has been my home for the past thirty years. Sad? You bet. But life must go on as I see so many of my friends having moved on.

Till then....

Saturday, August 2, 2008

"Oh my back and my hernia!"

I have been busy, busy, busy for the last few weeks. Keeping me on my toes, and nearly breaking my back, has been the packing for the house move. Thirty years of accumulation of stuff is no joke. I have been throwing away bags of trash. Besides my back, I am now feeling the ache of my hernia, which my surgeon only stitched up last year. I worked late last night, and decided to take a short break to write my blog - an excuse to sit down. Might end up in hospital again to stitch up my hernia.

Today, Saturday 2 August, also marks the last morning, I serve the altar at the 0700 Mass in church. Fr. JT has been the celebrant for the week. I have been doing this for the past 13 years, and had it not been the house move, I would have continued serving. Serving at the altar, has always been a spiritual achievement. It has given me a lot of peace and brought me closer with the Lord. After the Mass, when I reflect on what I have done, I am overcome by this spiritual feeling which I find it hard to describe. May the Lord forgive me for giving up my services.

In between my packing, I had many chores to catch up with. I was in SNEC for my eye check up. Fortunately everything went off well.

Trying to get my new residence telephone organised, I could not find a Hello Shop. So I called my faithful colleague, who was probably dozing off, for assistance. Sure enough, she found the website and directed me to the nearest one. Good to have friends in high places. It took me about five minutes to get my new telephone number. After that I found a ramen shop and sat down to a nice ramen for lunch, saying cheers to my ex-colleague.

The next day, two old friends sms me for lunch and we ended up in the same ramen shop. It was nice catching up with them and telling funny stories.

During my packing, I threw away a lot of junk which has lost its meaning in the passage of time. I came across some horror pictures of my wedding. That innocent and fine looking young man did not know what he was doing! Too late now.

I came across some funny stuff as well when I found my Fart Book. I must now look for my remote control fart devise. I also found some newspaper cutting of a couple who could not separate after making love. The ambulance had to carry the locked couple in a stretcher. Guess the ambulance came first before the man did.

It was also surprising that I found things (especially my magic stuff), that I had bought and forgotten about, still unopened.

I had posted an advertisement online trying to sell my rosewood bar and writing bureau. So I spent yesterday cleaning them out. I had so many bottles of liquor that I had forgotten about. Unfortunately most of them are now spoilt and not drinkable. So I opened them up and poured the lot into the kitchen sink. My kitchen smelled like a bar. My neighbours might have thought that I have been having a party. I now have the idea of pouring the rest into the toilet bowl. What will I think of next? So far no one has called, and I am sceptical about the response.

The fact that I still have my sense of humour helps me to retain my sanity, in spite of my worries and pain. My next target, the store room. May the Lord grant me strength.

So long....

Saturday, July 19, 2008

As time does by....

It has been two weeks since my last posting. I have been kept pre-occupied with one thing after another. Unfortunately there has been two sad issues.

The first being that I have lost a good friend, who was my mentor and who encouraged me to be a pilot. I knew him more than fifty years ago. Hailing also from Ipoh, we went on a cruise to Hong Kong and Japan during the fifties, on board the P & O vessel "Chusan". We had a fantastic time on board ship and befriended many ladies. He was very much a joker, although many years my senior. He started his flying in China and finished up as a Captain in SIA. There was a very nice write up on him in the newspaper after his funeral. With a heavy heart, I now bid him a fond farewell and may God have mercy on his soul. Farewell, MS.

The second sad news was that, my friends at Dynasty, has decided to close shop after more than twenty years in the camera and audio business. They started out at the Far East Plaza and ended up at Sim Lim Square. They were doing very well at one time, being a Sony official agent. Unfortunately, there are too many unscrupulous dealers who resorted to under cutting and turned the whole thing into a cut throat business. I have been getting all my cameras and electronic equipment from them and have always been given very good deals. They are closing end of August and I shall miss them. I hope all the staff will find suitable jobs elsewhere.

So much for the sad news. My birthday has come and gone. I do not celebrate my birthdays normally, except when I was 12 years old. Why 12? That was when like all 12 year old, I received my identity card. Very important document to show that you are becoming an adult. I remember buying a new wallet for the card.

One day, I told my classmate I had received my identity card. He asked me, "Show, show!" So I took it out reverently and showed it to him. He laughed so loud and told me I looked so stupid! From that day onwards, I vowed not to show my identity card to anybody except the authorities. That idiot classmate!

I have started packing my things to move to the new place. It is a monumental task and I have thrown out a lot of things as well. Thirty years of accumulation is taking its toll now. My biggest worry will come when I finally get to the store room. Having to handle it alone, I am very worried indeed.

Renovations are going full steam now, at my new place. The tiles look nice and the place is taking shape. I went to inspect the place last evening (Friday), and found the workers still working at 6.30 pm.

I had my 'makan kaki' Denis, with me and we had a whopper Japanese dinner, just a short walk from my new place.

Although I mentioned that I do not celebrate my birthdays, I must record that my grand children turned up in full force for the evening dinner at home. I had bought a BBQ chicken and a very nice slab of pork belly, which turned out to be very crunchy and tasty. From the three kids, I received a box of cereal, a can of de-caf coffee and a box of crackers. It was very nice and we finished up with a small cake.

My son bought me lunch at a Japanese restaurant, and the whole family turned up except for the two grand children who were in school. So Emma took on the role of all three kids. When you grow old, you appreciate all these things.

Today, I was all alone and feeling lonely, I went out for lunch and to collect my battery from Sony. I ended up at the Republic and wandered around looking at food. The Korean stall attracted my attention and I sat down to a hot stone seafood mix rice. The stone bowl was really hot and the rice concoction tasted rather sweet. Quite a novelty.

And now, this lonely old man must go to sleep and get up early for Mass tomorrow morning.

Till then....

Saturday, July 5, 2008

"And the walls came tumbling down.....!"

Finally the walls came tumbling down yesterday, Friday 4 July. Approval was given mid week.

I went in to check and found the place locked up. The workers had finished work and cleaned the place up somewhat. There are now piles of sand in the rooms, waiting for the workers to lay the cement screed, before the laying of tiles. We had chosen the tiles only on Thursday, and for the next three weeks or so, the tiles will be laid on the floor and part of the walls.

Other work services have also been scheduled. There will be two air condition compressors running for the three rooms upstairs and two rooms downstairs. I do not intend running all the air conditioners together, but will be judicious about them.

Last Monday, I brought Emma with my wife and the maid, by bus, to see the place. Emma enjoyed herself at the playground which was directly under the maisonette. She also liked climbing up and down the stairs. After that we toured the shops and ate lunch at the Food Park. By the time we had walked to the Cold Storage, Emma was tired out. I had promised her an ice cream treat, but unfortunately the shop was closed. So we had to take turns carrying her. On the bus ride home, Emma fell asleep and the maid had to carry her.

Yesterday, my friend Denis had called me, and I brought him along to show him my new place. We had dinner at the Food Park and shared a steamed fish and claypot tau fu. Quite nicely down and only cost me $21.40. We bought some curry puffs and chicken pies from a famous confectionery shop to take home. Costing $1.00 and $1.20 each respectively, they tasted good.

Today, being a Saturday, I was left alone at home. I went down to Holland Village with the intention of eating my favourite yong tau fu for lunch. At the last moment, I decided to try my friend's shop selling Ipoh hor fun. It was terrible! The soup was tasteless. I ordered the set meal of chicken hor fun with dumpling soup and a barley for $8.50. I regretted going there and spoiled my lunch. I thought of my yong tau fu, but I was already half full. So I bought from the Food Junction, a packet ayam penyet, thinking that I might consume it in case I get hungry later in the day. On the way home by bus, my son called me. He had spent the night in his friend's house. He told me he did not have lunch yet. So I gave him the ayam penyet, which is one of his favourite.

As I am writing this, I was told that we are having a family dinner tonight, which I am looking forward to. That will certainly cancel out my bad lunch. Why am I thinking about food when I should be trying to lose weight????

Till then....

Saturday, June 28, 2008

"What the hack....!"

The hacking had started last Wednesday and had stopped yesterday, at my new place. Fortunately I was not there during the hacking but inspected the place on Monday evening and on Wednesday evening. It looked like a bomb had fallen inside with all the dust and debris.

I had a site meeting with the interior designer today, amidst the clearing by the workers. I am now home, writing this on my new laptop, which deleted half of what I had written. What the heck happened??

Unfortunately the walls could not be knocked down yet, pending approval from the authorities, which I hope will be accomplished by next week. According to the work schedule, tiling should commence next week for the next three weeks. I have arranged to move in by 27 August, and will hand over my old place by 4 September.

Lately, I have been shuttling to my new place, getting the hang of the bus connection, and taking the opportunity to try out the Food Park and restaurants there. A new Cold Storage has opened there and the shops are being upgraded. So it is quite a nice place.

Last Wednesday, had some friends over to try out the steamboat restaurant. It was pretty good value for money at $23.50 per person. We had a big buffet spread offering us steamboat, BBQ, Japanese Shabu Shabu. In addition, there was tempura, soft shell crab and even curry chicken and rice as well as fruits and dessert. The steamboat had both spicy and non spicy soup. Unfortunately, there was too much MSG, and I ended up drinking a lot of water. The BBQ mutton was so tough and hard that I had to throw it away.

I had fishhead curry last night with my air conditioning friend, who will instal my air conditioning for me. The curry was not that nice unlike the Indian curry.

The Thai restaurant was not bad, when I tried it with my son and my wife. The pineapple rice and the tom yum goong were nice. I had lunch with my son today at one of the grill meat place. The pork rib was not all that tender. Wonder what their steaks are like, because they are advertising their Angus steak.

Of late my spirit has been going up and down like a yoyo. I am feeling my age. I have been concerned about the renovations and the impending move. I have booked the mover and booked my handover date. Next week, the boxes will be delivered for packing. As I clear and throw my unwanted stuff, I will pack what I want. I am very apprehensive about all these and hope I can cope with the chores. When I look at all the stuff at home, I am confused and wonder where to start. I hope things will turn out well for me.

This laptop is driving me bongers because some of my text went missing. So I better sign off now.

Till then....

Sunday, June 15, 2008

My new laptop.

I have done it, I have bought my new laptop. A VAIO, costing me $2,499, from a friend's shop. My friend upgraded it to 3 GB DDR2 and set up for me the OS, XP Pro SP3. In addition, I received a carrying case and a optical mouse.

The problem was that all the laptops now come with Window Vista, which is still full of bugs. I found out that the higher range laptops come with Window Vista Business and Window XP Pro, giving me a choice of either operating system. This will put my laptop compatible with my PC. So that suits me fine.

I spent the most part of today (Sunday), getting used to the laptop and installing my working programs. I am happy with it and will run it alongside with my PC as a sort of backup. It is very neat and whether it will replace my PC, time will tell. Certainly will save space and will enable me to work anywhere with the wireless connection.

Last Saturday, I had a long meeting with Gary, my interior designer and my son. We finally hashed out the renovations contract after going through so many changes. My son had so many lofty ideas and made so many changes that the drawing had to be re-drawn. It is going to cost me a whopping 85k. By the time we add in the lighting, the bathroom fittings, the kitchen equipment and my bedroom, it will hit 100k. My mind boggles, but I hope it will turn out right.

Work will commence next week starting with the hacking for three days. I hope the works will run smoothly and according to schedule. Gary has indicated to me that the schedule is comfortable. I intend to go in periodically to check on the works being carried out.

Last Friday evening, I took a bus to my new place to have a look around. There are many restaurants featuring alfresco and oriental food. Look nice and appetising. I eventually ate at the Food Park. There were jeichar stall, steamboat, Muslim food, nasi lemak, vegetarian, roast meat, pasta and noodles, dim sum and a cooked food stall, which I patronised eating steamed fish with rice and vegetables and tou foo for $4.20. Unfortunately there were no yong tau foo stall. Hope someone will open one there soon. Cold Storage has already opened there.

After eating I took a walk around to check the letter box, as I promised Alfred, I will re-direct his mail to him. I took the lift up to check the place and met the neighbour next door. We introduced each other and I found him to be very friendly. He assured me that the neighbourhood is very peaceful. So I apologised to him in advance that there will be hacking and noise. He dismissed it as being normal whenever someone renovates. When we parted, he told me that he was going to watch football.

Till then....

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Time is catching up.

Yes, time is catching up after sitting on my backside for the last few months. After waiting for the prerequisite time period for the process of buying my property, I have now taken over the property physically with keys in hand. The next step will be to finalise with Gary to kick start the renovations.

With three days of hacking as allowed, I am targeting mid August to complete renovations, and to move in by last week of August. Hopefully things will work out well without any cliff hangers.

It is also June school holidays and on a few days when all the three grandchildren were with us, it was p-a-n-d-e-m-o-n-i-u-m!!!! Enough to drive me up the wall. The older kids now do not like me one bit because of my discipline. My grandson hates my guts, because I do not allow him to sit in front of the television from the moment he comes till he finally leaves. Every time he comes, he will ignore me and prefer to sulk in a corner and pander to his grandmother. This has caused a lot of friction with my wife because my wife will always automatically disagree with me

Though the older girl may not be that bad, but she has picked up a lot of bad habits, like talking back and ignoring me when I try to tell her something or other. There is nothing more I can do. I feel sad when I think that not so long ago, she was the apple in my eye.

Emma is now the cream in the cake while she is still young. When she starts growing up, she will adopt the same attitude and I will be a nobody. Might as well enjoy her while she is young now and go my way when she grows up. The legacy of a dying old man.

Emma celebrated her third birthday on 10 June, as I am writing this. The family gathered for dinner last Saturday night. I guess at three, Emma is at the epitome of her cuteness. I took 160 pictures that night and will be compiling them into a musical slide show. I hope she will appreciate this when I am long gone.

I have also just bought a new laptop, a VAIO VGN-SZ75GN. This is my first laptop as I have been using PC all the time. I bought this from a friend, who pulled out all the stops to give me a good deal. He even got the Sony guy to come over to explain all the details to me. Instead of the Vista OS, I wanted the XP Pro, because Vista has all the bugs. So my friend is now setting it up with XP Pro and getting the necessary drivers. I told him to take his time and let me have it in a few days time. I am touched by his good gestures.

I have been eyeing a laptop for some time now, but could not justify buying one as my PC is still running good. What prompted me, was the possibility of getting one with XP Pro, while this is still possible. I will use this as a back up and in the future, it might take over from my PC all together. My main interest is on multimedia for use with my photography and videography. In addition, I still surf, email, do my internet banking and other IT functions. Moreover my new work station may not have the space and the laptop is very compact.

My PC was giving me problems, due to the power supply shutting down periodically. While working on this posting, the PC shut down on me. Very frustrating. Luckily my friend Chow called and said he was on the way. He came and within five minutes, changed and installed my new power supply of 500 watts, which I bought for $79. Seems to be working well now.

Had news from Gary through my son, that Gary will be sourcing the material for the renovations and tying up loose ends this week. Hacking will start next week and the time frame is realistic enough.

Also had a call from my agent this morning that we will get together with the seller, Alfred, who suggested we have a sort of farewell meal to mark the handover. Alfred has since become a good friend.

Last Monday, he collected me in his car and drove round with me to take over the property and also to the various agencies making arrangements to pay the conservancy charges and car parking. Funny thing was, a car pulled up and thinking it was Afred, I opened the door to get in. I was so embarrassed when I startled the driver, who was not Alfred. In doing so, the door knocked against my spectacles and sent it flying. It took me a while before I found it under the car. Luckily the spectacle was not damaged. When we left my new property, I noticed a sadness in Alfred, who lingered a while before leaving. After 23 years, he must have felt nostalgic leaving his old home for the last time. Anyway, I have a standing invitation for him and his wife to visit us, after we moved in.

I am getting long winded. Better shut up for now.

Till then....

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Things are looking up.

Things are certainly looking up. I completed the sale of my new property at the Hub on 28 May in the presence of the agents and the seller Alfred.

I was pleased, that Alfred told me he can hand over the keys to me by 8 June, instead of 15 June. He had asked me to give him an extension of two weeks to enable him to move out. Nice man Alfred, and we have now become good friends. He has suggested that we have a farewell lunch or dinner with our wives and the agents, when I take over the keys. I find Alfred and his wife to be very pleasant and friendly.

Taking over the keys one week earlier, will enable renovations to start earlier. This is expected to take two months. I am targeting to move by end of August avoiding the September rush when everyone will want to move. All the more so, because August is the Hungry Ghost month, when people avoid moving house. Since I am a Christian and not superstitious, this suits me fine.

At our meeting with the interior designer last weekend, we trashed out many things and agreed to many suggestions. The invoice was a whopper. I will leave that to my son to negotiate with Gary to bring it more down to earth. As mentioned in my previous posting, we have modified many items and Gary has clarified his ideas. The living room will now have timber floor instead of tiles. The kitchen and dining will have homogenised tiles. The downstairs toilet will have a bit more space and will cover the ugly pipes. The final drawing has been done subject to final approval by us. All is set except for the final costing.

The bank has very kindly sent me a stack of cash vouchers worth more than a thousand dollars. These together with the vouchers I received and won previously, will help us shop for the kitchen and other items like bedsheets, curtains and other utility items. I feel like I am starting a new home for the first time. To cut cost, we are also looking around our home, salvaging what we have, and using them again. (See my previous posting on 'Rosewood furniture'.)

Till then....

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My Rosewood furniture.

It has been one week now since my last posting and I thought I might as well start on another new posting.

The last few days have been quite relaxing for a change. My renovations plan for my new place has become clearer since the meeting with Gary, my interior designer. I have now decided to keep some of my Rosewood furniture after being told that they are now very scarce. If I had told my wife that I had wanted to keep them, she would have automatically objected. Since I told her that I wanted to sell them, she now wants to keep them. Reverse psychology at work!

We have engaged somebody to restore and repaint the furniture by August. When the job is done, they will deliver them to our new place. This way, we do not have to move them ourselves. I have allocated space for them in my new place.

The Chinese man saw my furniture and told me that they are now hard to find. There are fakes in the market. 'Mother of Pearl' inlays are only done in China. Local carpenters lack this expertise. Some pieces are from Kwangtung, China, and the coffee table was carved by a young Shanghainese locally. The carving featured the 'Dream of the Red Chamber'. I remember seeing him doing the carving as his workshop was near where I lived previously. Every evening I would walk over to see him and talked to him. We chose the scene mutually. To cut cost, as I only had limited funds at that time, I did not order the six stools, which would sit hidden under the table until you want to use them.

There is also a display cabinet which houses all my expensive micro magic apparatus. I must now find another space for my music box collection. They will probably be displayed as part of my library. Problem will be to keep itchy fingers away from them. And then I also have my religious paraphernalia collection. Ah! my mind boggles.

When Emma was a tiny baby, I used to carry her and showed her my religious collection consisting of statues, glass Rosary beads, bell including some music boxes and whistles. She would love to wear the Rosary over her neck and ring the bell. Unfortunately the glass panel fell one day, due to strong winds and it is now replaced by a plastic sheet. The Ikea cabinet houses my hi fi set, DVD's, LD's and the glass cabinet displays some interesting nick nacks. This cabinet will be left behind when I move, unless someone wants to buy or take it over.

So I now have a clearer picture of what I will move to my new place. My new bedroom will have everything new. I will need to relocate my grotto (miniature water fountain) dedicated to Our Lady, which I made for my wife's birthday sometime ago. Maybe my moving expenses will not be that high, given I do not have that many heavy items except for my son's bedroom and the many cartons. Anyway, we are meeting Gary this Saturday to sort out the renovations.

Last Friday, Emma came in the morning. For a three year old kid, she can be very sensible when she wants to be. Last Monday, I was playing with her at the lift landing, when she suddenly charged at me. I fell to the floor as Emma's head hit me hard on my left rib. I felt the jolt and pain and luckily prevented Emma from hitting her head on the floor. The pain stayed with me the whole week. When I told Emma about it on Friday, she quickly came and hugged me and said how sorry she was. The pain naturally went away.

When Emma left early with her grandmother and the maid to look after her other two cousins, I felt very lonely at home. I went downstairs for my fast walking exercise. For dinner, I tried out cooking sayur lodeh with yong tau foo and noodles. It was successful except that next time, I will substitute the coconut with low fat milk. I enjoyed the meal in the quiet of the kitchen.

This Sunday afternoon, I will be doing a retreat in church for all the Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist. This will be followed by our commissioning at the 6 pm Mass. So it is going to be a quiet and sober Sunday.

Till then....

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A ticklish affair.

After a Korean 'Bibibhog' lunch with the family a few Sundays ago, I found myself in Qian Hu Fish Farm.

It was the first time I visited the place, and saw the myriads of aquarium fishes being bred and sold, even exported to other countries. The cute baby koi swam into my hand as I placed it into the water. So tame and friendly. Seeing the tropical fishes, reminded me of my young boy passion of keeping an aquarium. (See my post 'Rasbora Heteromopha').

Venturing inside, my grandchildren were catching longkang fish for a fee. Then there were these groups of adults sitting with their feet inside the water. I discovered that they were letting the sucker fishes nibble at the dead skin on their feet. Sounded very unhygienic.

After some persuasion from my daughters, I decided to give it a go. After paying $10 for half an hour, I rolled up my pants and sat soaking my feet underwater. Moments later, a swarm of dark grey fishes charged towards my feet and started to nibble away. Keeping very still, the fishes were all over my feet. I felt ticklish. I was hoping that they will nibble away my painful corns.

There were some young ladies seating nearby and they were giggling away like little girls. Both my wife and daughter were seating next to me and they had their fair share of nibbling. After a full 30 minutes, we got up and dried our feet with the towel provided. It was quite an experience.

Mothers Day eve, the whole family gathered for dinner at the 'Mushroom Pot'. I cannot say I enjoyed the dinner because I do not eat Chinese mushroom. Ever since I was a child, I can not stand the smell of Chinese mushroom. I have tried to eat them but threw up everytime. I have accidentally ate them in very small amount, and had to immediately eat something strong to overcome the smell. But I do eat the lesser smelling mushroom like the white ones you eat with the salad. Despite the smelly mushroom, I enjoyed the company of the whole family. That saved the evening for me at least.

Had a pleasant meeting with my interior decorator and contractor, Gary, for my new home. He presented to us, my wife and son, his ideas for the our new home. He had some very good ideas and we had a lively discussion. He showed us his drawings and I quite like his ideas. So now we have decided what items of furniture we will retain and can visualise what the new home will be like. The idea of having timber flooring in the balcony, living and dining area and special tiles in the kitchen area is very good, except that it may be too expensive. However, I will have to see the costing before deciding. The upstairs will be timber or parquet.

At last I am going to have a work station. I will have my PC there with shelves for my files and books, and doors to close off the whole section. By the sides, there will be library shelves for my other books and objects of interest. I can finally sit down and write or do my own things. I will also retain my rosewood display cabinet of my micro magic collections, and his will now sit on the landing outside my bedroom upstairs.

My bedroom will have everything new, with two single beds and a walk-in wardrobe leading into a new bathroom. I have already been 'allocated' my bed which will be right next to the wall. So watch out for me when I get off the wrong side of the bed! My bathroom door will be special. Gary told me that it will be a 360 degree door, which opens one doorway to close another. This is to save limited space. My bedroom will have a sliding door. Reminds me of the Japanese woman kneeling to slide open the door, then shuffling inside to close it.

Permission has been granted for us to instal a toilet downstairs. So this will be enclosed next to the kitchen. A separate kitchen will be built inside a glass enclosure facing the windows. A centre island will be where we also cook, eat and entertain, incorporating some of the new kitchen concept. My son wants the wine cooler inside this.

The dining room will have my present round table and chairs. Against the wall will be my rosewood cabinet. Blocking the staircase will be my work station and library.

I always value my privacy. To stop people from looking inside, Gary has suggested to have the lower section of my main window fitted with fixed metal louvre. Above this, the louvre can open and close to let the air in. Good idea.

All in all, Gary has worked on a semi colonial decor and we still have many things to tie up before the final drawing. We have bought the sofa set of leather seats with recliners with option for an additional single or double recliner. Slowly the new home is taking shape and the renovations will start in a month's time. Given only three days for hacking, the whole process will take two months to complete.

I always welcome friendly and constructive comments from readers to my blog. It is meant to be light hearted and I am happy if readers enjoy reading. By these comments, I know that at least someone is reading my blog. Unfortunately, lately someone from the Philippines has been posting remarks and advertisement in my blog. I had to delete everyone of them. I hope whoever it is will stay away from my blog.

Till then....

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Much ado about nothing.

I have been sitting on my backside waiting for things to happen which did not happen. After the euphoria of the completion of sale and collecting the money, I am left with an anticlimactic feeling. I have been at loose ends wondering whether I am coming or I am going. It is depressing.

I had to send my Reuge pocket watch to my friend in the US to have it repaired. At the post office, I tried to write 'fragile' on the box, but for the life in me, forgot how to spell the word 'fragile'. Instead I wrote 'frazile'. So embarrassing and humiliating.

Two Saturdays ago, I went to Holland Village to buy lunch for my son and myself. I decided to buy one of my favourite - curry yong tau fu. It was packed in a clear plastic bowl with a clear plastic cover and placed inside a clear plastic bag. I felt so embarrassed and self conscious, when I took the bus home trying to hide it from the prying eyes of the other passengers. It certainly looked delicious and smelled delicious too. My stomach was rumbling too.

Last week, I decided to buy chicken curry for dinner for myself to save having to cook. I went to a Tekka Indian restaurant to buy one piece chicken and one piece fish with curry sauce for $5.00. Walking to the MRT station, I went down the escalator, walked across and up the escalator and emerged where I had started from, on the same side of the road. I thought it looked strange. Fed up, I walked across the road instead.

Again last Friday I had to look after my own dinner. On such occasions, I would spend time thinking and drooling over what to eat. I went to Holland Village, bought a beautiful chunk of salmon and a tub of salad. Got home to watch the news. After that, I decided to pan fry the salmon, which was about 8 cm thick. Then I made the tomato vegetable soup, tossed the salad and sat down to eat the succulent salmon. Suddenly, I heard children's voices at the door and my grandchildren and their grandmother descended on my salmon and salad.

As I am writing this, it is now Friday and I had just finished my dinner, all by myself. Again I cooked salmon with salad and soup. This time, I was not interrupted and ate everything by myself. Not that I am selfish, for I love to share my food, but there are times when I needed to eat by myself. This time the salmon was not that thick. Salmon, when pan fried with olive oil, must be cooked medium rare. The outside should be crispy and the inside soft enough to melt in your mouth. Fresh salmon has no fishy smell unlike smoked salmon which can give off a fishy smell. It is an oily fish and you must towel dry it before cooking. Sprinkle some pepper and rub over it before cooking. Best to use a non-stick pan and a wooden spatula.

Emma came this morning and I had a nice time with her. She left after lunch with the grandmother and the maid for Hougang. My two other grandchildren needed the grandmother to cook for them after school. So I was all alone the rest of the day. Went on the track to do my exercise which tired me out. Then went to Holland Village to buy my dinner.

I am wondering whether I should continue writing this blog. Do not know if anyone is still bothering to read. My postings are becoming irregular and sometimes my mind go blank. Trust a blockhead to write a blog!

Till then....

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The aftermath

Now that the euphoria of completing the en bloc sale and receiving 95% of the sale proceeds have been accomplished, life is back to normal in the estate. People are walking around with heads high and perhaps friendlier to their neighbours, talking about their new homes and the impending big move. I have had strangers greeting me, perhaps knowing that I was the photographer of the DVD, and also winner of the lucky draws.

I have been preoccupied lately with the bank and the setting up of my new home. I have parked my money into a new bank. Surprising how the bank treats you when you park large amounts with them. When I walked into the bank, I was ushered to a special section, sat on comfortable lounge chairs and offered tea or coffee and even snacks, and addressed by name. I am still trying to find my way around. Unused to being pampered, I will always remain humble and live life with humility. I feel embarrassed by all the attention.

Last week I paid the 10% due for my new property. My agents had arranged to wait for me at the Delifrance outlet. Guess what?? I waited at the wrong outlet. There are two Delifrance and I had to choose the wrong one. When I asked passerby for directions, none seemed to know where except one who sent me off on a wild goose chase. With wife in tow, this made it all the more cumbersome, like walking with only one leg.

The signing process was quite straight forward and the officer, a plumb young lady, was very candid and friendly. So we laughed our way through. What a relief. The sale will complete by 28 May, and since the seller had asked me for two weeks extension for him to move out, I have agreed to it. So my renovations will only commence from 16 June.

My son has drawn up an elaborate plan for the renovations. This weekend, we will bring the contractor to view the place, with permission from the seller, and that should spearhead the renovation process.

My next headache will be the packing and the move, which will probably be in August, which the Chinese believe to be the 7th month. Taboo for moving house. But I am not superstitious, and think there will not be a demand for movers and a quiet period for me to move. After thirty years of accumulation, I will have a lot of things to discard.

Tilll then....

Friday, March 14, 2008

Completion of Sale - Part 2

After all the arguments, fighting and waiting, the day finally arrived to complete the sale on 10 March, 2008. The lawyers had completed the sale transaction.

Wednesday the 12 March, dawned gloomily with rain clouds hanging low when I went to church to serve altar. After breakfast at home, I went to the clubhouse at 0945 to find it buzzing with activities. There was already a crowd there as I took my queue number of E31. So thirty people were ahead of me to collect our cheques and cashiers orders, which was supposed to commence at 1000 hr. Because of the money, the atmosphere was jovial with anticipation, as neighbours joked with one another, on how much they were going to receive and whether they have found a new home. A stark different atmosphere to previous meetings when some people were fighting with each other over the en bloc sale.

Also present were staff from the Citibank, who stationed themselves to assist the residents/owners requiring banking assistance. A fleet of Mercedes taxis were waiting outside to convey customers to the bank to open their accounts or to deposit their money with lunch also thrown in. A carnival atmosphere but unfortunately with rain pouring outside. Citibank had been very aggressive in their quest to attract investment opportunities from the owners. They have also spent a lot of time and money in their pursuit.

I must admit that I have already opened an account with them as I am happy with their approach and services. In my previous posting, I mentioned that because of my pictures, I had developed a good rapport with them, and I was also looking for an alternative bank. I am very dissatisfied with my current bank, so Citibank fills the bill, for me to park my money there.

After a three hour wait, I finally got to receive my money. The delay was due to some people who took too long asking questions and going through all the figures repeatedly. It took only 5 minutes for me. My wife joined me, as I went home to make colour copies of the cashiers order and cheque. Never in my life have I received so much money. I deposited the money into the bank straight away. Although not greedy by nature, I was deja vu, at the turn of events.

I felt a sense of relief after months of uncertainties. Uncertain whether there are more problems ahead, and uncertain whether we are maintaining the time line. Now at last it is over. I have six months before I finally move out and collect my last tranche of money. My next headache will be my house move.

Saturday 15 March, 2008 - The Farewell Charity Party was held at the clubhouse sponsored by Credo and Rodyk. I contributed 100 pieces of my DVD for sale in aid of the charities - Kidney Dialysis and the ST Childrens Pocket Money Fund. As mentioned in my previous posting, souvenirs with my pictures were offered for sale. Gave me a feeling of accomplishment.

My family attended with the kids in tow. A high tea buffet was laid on when we tucked in to the food. The kids had their caricatures drawn and received balloon models from a lady there. While the kids were playing at the playground, I attended the auction, during which I did not buy anything. However, I stayed for the lucky draw, and surprisingly, won a consolation prize followed by the first prize of shopping vouchers. This was the second time within two weeks that I won lucky draws. Usually I have no such luck. I made heads turn with my winning but more so when it was announced that I contributed the pictures in the DVD.

Alls well that ended well with the receipt of our funds. As the agent and the lawyers commented, the en bloc sale went through miraculously at the turn of events.

Till then....

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Completion of sale.

A man, suspecting his wife of infidelity, hired a PI ( Private Investigator), to conduct a surveillance on the wife. He gave a small notebook to the PI to log in reports, and requested the PI to submit the notebook to him for scrutiny. This was what the PI submitted to the man.

The woman went out.

The woman went to a house.

Man opens door.

Man and woman go upstairs.

I climb up tree.

The woman takes off clothes.

I fall down tree.

The above story was told to me many years ago. Recently, the story came to mind and it remained like a 'bee in the bonnet'. I laughed to myself. So I am sharing it with all who reads my blog.

Since my last blog posting, the bank function has come and gone. It was successful as I wrote.

Next week, the sale will complete. Lawyers letters have been sent and everyone is now waiting eagerly for the payment. This is a relief because there was speculation that it could be delayed. Any delay would jeopardise owners who have bought properties affecting payments. Although a relief, at the back of my mind, I sense some personal problems looming ahead of me. I do not know what, but it is causing me much anxieties!

Received some good news from the US. I have been awarded the 'Order of Merlin Shield' by the International Brotherhood of Magicians after completing 35 years. I was invited to the US to receive the award. Unfortunately they did not enclose air tickets, so I will not be there.

Next weekend, a farewell party will be held and the MP will also be attending. My pictures will appear on the many items offered for sale for charity. I have contributed 100 DVD of my pictures for sale. This will be the final batch for sale. I hope people will buy them up for posterity.

Till then....

Thursday, February 28, 2008

I am elated!

The launch of my DVD featuring scenes of my estate in the form of a slide show with bright and soothing background music, had been a success. Containing 215 pictures, shot with my Nikon D200 camera, it took me one day to compile the 15 minute show.

I produced 200 copies of the DVD and launched the sale on 14th January, 2008. To date, there are now only about 10 copies left. Unfortunately, many residents do not read the notice board, and are not aware of the DVD until somebody tells them about it.

Lately, I was sought after by Citibank and Credo, for permission to use my pictures. Citibank had their function on Wednesday 27th February, at the clubhouse, where they gave a presentation followed by a buffet dinner for the residents.

I was approached to take pictures for the function, so that they can be made into a special DVD, to be given to the residents. The response was good with a large turn out, but I cannot help to note that some of them attended just for the free dinner. Anyway there was much interest shown in investing money with Citibank.

An earlier attempt by Citibank failed to attract the residents. When they asked around as to what latest event aroused the residents' interest, they were told that my DVD was a hit. So they came to see me for help by using my pictures. I am elated!

The dinner event went off very well, with me shooting pictures of everyone. Many residents recognised me for my DVD, and complimented me. One resident told me that he bought two DVD's. I felt humbled but happy that I brought some cheer to those who bought my DVD.

Towards the end of the function, there was a lucky draw. I stood in front ready to shoot the winners. Lo and behold, my wife won the third prize of a bottle of Dom Perignon Vintage 1989 Champagne! This Champagne is the most expensive in the market and made famous by James Bond, with prices going from a few hundred dollars to a thousand.

What happened next caused me some embarrassment. Announcing the next top prize of a Raffles Hamper, the draw was made and to my utter surprise, my name was called. The lady conducting the draw assured everyone that it was a truly lucky draw. I was dumbfounded and embarrassed. Anyway I went up to receive the prize while someone took my picture instead. The second hamper was won by somebody, so it was not that bad we did not monopolise the draw. But what surprised me most was that, I did not submit my name for the draw. Some kind soul must have submitted for me or it was staged for me to win. I usually do not have luck with draws. Anyway I accepted the hamper in good faith and grace with thanks to Citibank.

My next event is the Credo high tea on 15th March, in which my pictures will again be featured. Credo, who handled our en bloc sale, is giving the residents 'high tea'. My pictures will be featured in souvenirs like key chains, coffee mugs, mouse pads, magnets and jig saw puzzles. In addition, I am contributing 100 of my DVD for sale. All the proceeds will go to the Kidney Dialysis Foundation and the ST Children Pocket Money Fund. A noble cause of which I am in full support. It makes me happy to help out. I am looking forward to this. Watch my blog.

A piece of good news from the lawyers. Our sale will complete by 10 March and the funds will be available on 12 March.

I had reported earlier that I was not able to send SMS. Too complicated! Well, today I sent my first SMS to my son, who is currently in Cuba. Surprised my daughters no end. I also SMS a reply to Citibank. So I am not so dumb after all.

Till then....

Monday, February 18, 2008

A 'Pen Cai' lunch

The Chinese New Year season is coming to a close and to cap it off, we had a family 'Pen Cai' lunch at the Crystal Jade Palace Restaurant yesterday, Sunday 17th February. Except for Jay, who had some visitors in town, everyone was there including Ben. It was also to celebrate the belated birthdays of Karen and Tim.
Several years ago, I saw a documentary on Hong Kong, which featured this dish. The Cantonese call this 'Poon Choy', which literally means tray or basin of vegetables. In Mandarin, it is known as 'pen cai'. Chinese cuisine, among the best in the world, refers to vegetable - 'choy' or 'cai', as a collective noun embodying both meat and vegetables set for the table. So when you go to a Chinese restaurant, the waiter or waitress will ask you what 'choy' or 'cai' you want to select from the menu. It does not necessarily mean only vegetables.
It has been reported that pen cai existed since the Song dynasty (AD 960 - 1279). When the Song emperor fled from the Mongol invaders and arrived at a village in Guangdong, the local folks collected all the best food from each household, and served them in large basins, because bowls were not big enough to hold all the food. Until recently only, has this dish now, been introduced in Singapore.
The Hong Kong documentary showed, how the dish was prepared, in layers of food being cooked and laid inside the basin. The selection of food is left to the imagination and skill of the chef, and is considered to be a one dish meal.
The Crystal Jade version was said to contain 18 varieties of delicacies relating to the auspices of the Chinese New Year. I was not able to itemised them (see picture above). However, I identified the baby abalone, sea cucumber, fish maw, roast duck, moss fungus (fatt choy), yam, Yunnan ham, soya bean sheets (fu pei), white radish, wood ear (moke yee), scallop, octopus body, cabbage, pig trotters, and large black Chinese mushrooms, which I do not eat. They are significant in Chinese food philosophy, for example moss fungus signifies prosperity. The restaurant should have printed a write-up on the dish, itemising the selections and the significance of each item.
The taste was excellent. The Chinese black mushroom did not permeat into the other ingredients, which was a relief to me. I would compliment the chef because each ingredient requires delicate cooking skill. The baby abalone was soft and tender retaining its flavour. Cooking abalone is a specialist skill. Over cook, and it becomes tough and leathery. Sea cucumber disintegrate when over cooked. So it takes skill to combine all the ingredients into one.
The bill was expensive no doubt but I am not complaining. I made some money selling my DVD slide show and I am always happy to share a meal with the family. We spent a pleasant day browsing through the shops and having a drink together. The kids had a great time especially Emma, who was, as always, the centre of attraction. Samantha had her genuine 'har gow', and Tim received a brand new badminton racket with a case as his birthday present from the uncle. When it was time to disperse and go home, Emma was greatly distressed. She turned her face and was about to cry, but held on bravely. Poor Emma.

With all the Chinese New Year goodies and eating, I gained 1 kg. So I now have to get rid of this kilo. I actually have restrained myself, but unfortunately the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
Till then....

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Koong Hei Fatt Choy

A very 'Koong Hei Fatt Choy' to all of you who are reading this. A customary Cantonese greeting for the Lunar New Year.

This is the fourth day, as I sit down to write this new posting. This is also the last Chinese New Year celebration before I move to my new place. There seemed to be an increase in visitors to my estate, as people savour the final celebrations here. Some of my friends told me that they will be showing my DVD to their friends, to show them the beauty of the estate.

I find this year's celebrations to be very disappointing and subdued. Not much of a Chinese New Year spirit.

The eve happened to be Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent in the Catholic Church. At the 7 am Mass in church, I was busy serving Mass and having to gather my Communion Ministers to impose ashes at the end of Mass. Happily everything went off well and my new lady Communion Ministers performed well, this being their first time. Sadly this will probably be my last time as their leader, because I plan to leave the ministry in a few months time.

The family reunion dinner was held at the Golden Pheonix Restaurant at Gillman Heights - the highlight of the celebration. Everyone was there, including the maid except for Ben, who turned up late after he got back from KL. Poor guy had to work! Anyway it was a very pleasant family gathering albeit a rather short one. When we adjourned for dessert at Keppel, Emma had fallen asleep and had to go home.

First day of Chinese New Year began with the 7 am Mass in church. Again my team was on duty and after distributing Holy Communion, gave out Mandarin oranges to the congregation. We were all dressed in red except for the non Chinese Ministers. But it was alright as there was a lot of laughter and goodwill among all the races gathered there.

After reading the newspaper from front page to the last page, it was a long wait for the family to gather at home. As if by a silent signal, everyone turned up at noon, in their holiday togs. Emma looked cute in her tiny cheongsam for the first time. The very much anticipated exchange of 'Hoong Pau' followed, especially by the kids, followed by tea from my children, an old tradition. I used to do that to my parents when I was a boy. So I was surprised when my children observed that.

Soon it was time to set out to Liz and Kip's house for lunch, a practice which we have been doing every year. This is the only house I visit every Chinese New Year. Liz and I have been very close family friends since our school days in Ipoh. Liz had called me one day to remind me that, since our family elders have all gone, we are all that is left. A poignant point when she asked for continued support.

Liz and Kip live in a mansion, which is so big that it required a power sub station on its own. It was unfortunate to see Liz in a wheelchair, because she had strained her hips, when she was in New York recently. It was also nice to see Dick, John and Peter.

There was so much food and the buffet table was loaded with all things nice. As usual, I over ate! Funny when I ate the ham with curry. I tried to 'wolf' down my food in order to feed Emma her milk, but she managed to induce her aunty to feed her. I ended up with an uncomfortable bloated stomach due to the hurried eating.

I also met up with my brother to catch up on his health concerns. After munching on the tit bits after lunch, we finally decided to take our leave, by three in the afternoon. We all dispersed into various directions and had a quiet evening at home.

Second day, Friday, after the morning Mass, I had roti prata in the market with a friend. The market was deserted with a few stalls opened for business, mainly the Indians and Malay and a surprisingly Chinese stall selling nasi lemak. It would have been a mundane day, had it not been for a visit by my wife's niece, nephew and two hyperactive grand nephew, who all stayed for lunch. Surprisingly still, my son had decided to stay at home for the day. I had some heart stopping moments when the two kids tried to finger my Mr. Christmas circus movements. Must think about all this when I move to my new place. How to child proof all of them?

Third day, Saturday, had braised fish porridge for breakfast with my friend Denis in the market after church. I am going to miss this when the market closes for major renovation after 17 February. This porridge is only for fish lovers like Denis and myself, and had always been our favourite. Costing only $2.50, the porridge has two to three pieces of fish stomach, cooked with ginger. The meat is soft and succulent with quite a lot of bones like long darning needles. You can pull them out with your chopsticks or fingers and they are not that bothersome. When the market reopens, I would have moved out already. I will probably come back for it.

My brother-in-law and the wife visited us on the third day. It was good, for we had not seen each other for a long time. After lunch that day, I went down to 'Marks & Sparks' (Marks & Spencer) to buy my cereal muesli. I like this because it helps my bowel movement everyday since I have been taking it for breakfast. I eat a small bowl even if I eat something from the market.

Today being Sunday, it has been very quiet, and nobody visited us. I listened to the radio to the old time favourites and the vintage chart featured the top ten tunes of 1965, when I was still a bachelor in the Air Force. Ahhhhh!

My son stayed at home the whole day and went for evening Mass. He came home just as I was leaving for church this morning. He just went out. What a night person! Had a lot of washing up to do after dinner. I am getting sleepy and tired. So good night to all.

Till then....